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Homebrew CPU RING joined on august, 30th 2021.

This project started after I finished my ZX81 clone and started to study other hardware architectures. That's when I found the "Magic-1 homebrew minicomputer" created by Bill Buzbee and started to follow some homebrew computer groups in Facebook. Bill's Magic-1 project is avaiable on it's website. I was thinking in build a Magic-1 when few weeks after, Paulo Constantino posted about his "SOL-1 Homebrew CPU MiniComputer" asking some help to build a Operational System for his project. I started to follow his posts on facebook and I applied to help him. He shares this same interest "building computers" and said he did the same when read about "Bill Buzbee's Magic-1 HomebrewCPU" - felt he had to design a computer.

So, my first move was to create an SOL-1 Emulator to understand each aspect of Paulo's machine and start a physical project after that. The emulator let me understand the low-level workings of microcode and how a more complex machine operates. And that's how Baffa-1 was born... It's based on SOL-1 project but has few improvements and some different circuits. Paulo provided some annotations that I used as a base and allowed Baffa-1 to be fully compatible with SOL-1. The operating system I use in Baffa-1 is still the SOL-OS created by Paulo. Eagle file (it's not complete but contains the main logics), bios and kernel files are available at Paulo's Github as an opensource project. Thanks Paulo for your help and for providing your project. I really learned a lot from you! (Baffa-1 is a SOL-1 clone computer with some tweaking due to your help and assistance, and I'm grateful for that.)

And I can't finish without leaving a big thank you to Adriano Branco who has been helping me a lot on this journey with advice and guidance on digital electronics.

Baffa-1 Panel (Emulator)

More about...

Augusto Baffa @Linkedin
Sol-1 Sol-1 Repository on github maintained by Paulo Constantino
Baffa-1 MCE Microcode Editor for Baffa-1 Minicomputer System
Baffa-1 Disk Manager Disk Manager for Baffa-1 Minicomputer System
Baffa-1 Emulator Baffa-1 HomebrewCPU Minicomputer System Emulator
Baffa-1 Schematics Baffa-1 Schematics Rev.2 (untested) based original design by Paulo Constantino "main.sch" (Sol-1 Computer)

Other projects...

See my other projects.